Update: Worldbreaker has an official release date of December 14, 2010.
The WoW TCG Worldbreaker expansion is scheduled to ship sometime in November 2010. Most retailers are announcing a November 16th street date, but it could possibly be the following week. As soon as a concrete release date for World breaker has been set, it'll be announced here on the site.
Worldbreaker will be the first WoW TCG expansion set to contain playable Worgen and Goblins.
The WoW TCG Worldbreaker Expansion contains three all new loot cards:
Mottled Drake
[phpbay]mottled drake loot, 3, “150192”, “non”[/phpbay]
The Mottled Drake is the ultra rare loot card found in the WoW TCG Worldbreaker set. The Mottled Drake is an epic flying mount, requiring 225 riding skill to use. Mottled Drake is bind on equip, which means the item can be sold, bought or traded in-game prior to being used.
Judging by the tooltip, the Mottled Drake is probably going to look something like the Bronze Drake obtained from the timed event in Culling of Stratholme, but with a spotty or blotchy appearance.
The exact rarity is unknown, but it will likely be 1/242 packs.
Grim Campfire
[phpbay]grim campfire loot, 3, “150192”, “non”[/phpbay]
The Grim Campfire appears to be the rare loot card from the WoW TCG Worldbreaker expansion, likely to be inserted at a rate of 1/121 packs. Not too much is known about the Grim Campfire, but the tooltip suggests that it will probably be a more visually impressive alternative to the standard cooking fire, but without the uber Cozy Fire spirit buff. 😉
Based on the spell icon, it's expected that this fire may look something like the fires seen in Twilight Cultist areas.
Landro's Lil' XT
[phpbay]landro's lil xt, 3, “150192”, “”[/phpbay]
Landro's Lil' XT is the new pet loot found in the WoW TCG Worldbreaker expansion. It's possible that Landro's Lil' XT will be a super-common loot card with use charges, similar to some of the other consumable loot, like the Sandbox Tiger and Paint Bomb. However, there is no usage limit indicated on the tooltip, so it may be another rare loot card (1 in 121).
Landro's Lil' XT will probably look and behave similar to the standard Lil' XT pet available from the Blizzard store, but who knows… maybe it'll have a few surprises of its own.
I am a judge for the trading card game and the lil XT is unlimited use and is the common loot from the worldbreaker set. I can sent the product spec sheet if you need further confirmation.
Excellent! Thank you for that info Tracy. 🙂
I’m angry, i pulled Landros lil xt card but it wasnt one with a code
Just pulled out mottled drake earlier but not in loot form 🙁
I just picked up a pack and got the Loot card version of the Mottled Drake!
Grats! That is some incredible luck. 🙂