A Comfy Fishing Chair
Fishing Chair is a reward from the Gone Fishin' Loot Card found in booster packs from the Fires of Outland Expansion Set. When used, a comfy fishing chair spawns for you to sit in, relax, and even do some fishin' as long as you're near a fishin' hole. The chair can be used anywhere mounts are usable, so you don't necessarily need to be near any water.
Only the player with the Fishing Chair may sit in it. It is not clickable by other players, therefore no one can steal your chair!
The comfy fishing chair lasts for 5 minutes. The item itself has a 5 minute cooldown as well.
The Gone Fishin' Loot Card is found in booster packs from the Fires of Outland Expansion Set.
This Loot Card is very rare, with an insert rate of only 1 in 242 packs. It's found in the same expansion set as the highly treasured Spectral Tiger, which in turn makes the booster packs from Fires of Outland quite pricey.
Fires of Outland booster boxes run about $125.00 each and contain 24 packs of cards. At that rate, the estimated cost to acquire the Gone Fishin' Loot Card if you were to try and pull it from a pack would be in the neighborhood of about $1,250.00.
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