Instant Statue Pedestal
The Instant Statue Pedestal is a reward from the Statue Generator Loot Card, found in booster packs from the Wrathgate Expansion Set.
Using the Instant Statue Pedastal causes your character to stand atop a pedestal where it assumes a flex pose, after growing 50% larger in size. Creating the heroic statue results in cheers heard by all nearby players. Your character will remain in a fixed position while mounted. The statue will exist for five minutes.
The Instant Statue Pedestal is the perfect item to use when you need to go afk for a cold beverage or bio break. Don't just go afk… go afk in style, and make sure that others recognize your awesomeness.
Click here to view a video of the Instant Statue Pedestal in action.
The Instant Statue Pedestal has a five minute duration, with a 30 minute cooldown.
This item is usable by characters of any level.
The Statue Generator Loot Card is found in booster packs from the Wrathgate Expansion Set. It is a rare card, found in only 1 out of 121 booster packs.
Wrathgate booster boxes currently run about $60.00 each and contain 24 packs of cards. If trying to obtain the Statue Generator loot card from a booster pack, one would have to spend approximately $300.00 to get it.
This card can be purchased off of ebay for about $40 to $45.
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