Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger & Reins of the Spectral Tiger
Although it's just a mere ground mount, the Swift Spectral Tiger and Spectral Tiger are still the most desired mounts in all of WoW. Their rarity combined with one of the hottest looks possible, puts these 2 mounts at the top of just about every WoW player's loot wish list.
The Spectral Tiger loot card was originally released with the Fires of Outland expansion. It later resurfaced in the Archives expansion, then again in the Reign of Fire expansion.
2 Mounts for the Price of 1
The Spectral Tiger loot card redeems for 2 versions of the mount: the epic Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger and the rare Reins of the Spectral Tiger. Both versions of the mount are bind on equip, which means you can choose to keep both of them, keep one and sell the other, or sell both of them and become filthy stinkin' rich. Of course, unless you already had one of these mounts I'm not sure why'd you sell it – especially in-game. In the real world, this loot card can usually fetch in upwards of $5000!
Both versions of this mount count towards the Mountain o' Mounts achievement.
Both mounts require level 20 and Apprentice Riding.
What's the Difference Between the 2 Mounts?
Both mounts have the same riding and level requirements, and look nearly identical. Other than the tooltips which denote one as epic and one as rare, the only other difference is this… The Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger uses a skin that's more armored. The Swift Spectral Tiger has armor on its legs and along its tail where as the rare Spectral Tiger does not. See the image below for an example.
Here's another image of the 2 mounts against a more consistent background. You can see just how similar they are apart from the subtle differences with the armor.

Spectral Tiger Mounts Compared
And here's one more look for good measure….(click to embiggen)
There are some of you that may prefer the understated look of the regular Spectral Tiger, and others who like the more armor clad version, or maybe you can't decide. Whichever way you lean, obtaining the loot card means you get both mounts!
If you do decide to sell one or the other, then the going in-game rates for these mounts are approximately…
- Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger: 3.5MM Gold
- Reins of the Spectral Tiger: 5MM Gold
These buyout prices are averages and are current as of Patch 9.0.1.
Swift Spectral Tiger Preview Video
Spectral Tiger Preview Video
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The Spectral Tiger Loot Card was originally found in booster packs from the Fires of Outland Expansion Set. It also has a chance to be found in booster packs from the WoW TCG Archives expansion, as well as the Reign of Fire expansion.
This Loot Card is extremely rare, having an insert rate of only 1 in 484 packs in Fires of Outland. The mounts contained in Archives and Reign of Fire have a higher turn up rate of 1 in 242 packs, but the chances of a random mount loot being the Spectral Tiger are still quite slim.
Fires of Outland booster packs and boxes are pretty hard to come by and quite expensive. Given that the Spectral Tiger is a 1 in 484 pack risk, you're better off trying for it in packs from either Archives or Reign of Fire. The chances of pulling it are still very slim, but at least you'll have a shot at getting some other sweet loot at a lower buy-in.
Five Ways to Obtain a Spectral Tiger Mount
The Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger… arguably the most coveted mount in all of WoW… and with good reason. There is no other mount that is as strikingly gorgeous, or that can garner as much attention as the seldom seen Spectral Tiger. Not only is this mount one of the most beautiful, if not thee most beautiful mount in all of WoW, it is also easily one of the rarest.
There are a few ways one can acquire this precious loot, but every one of them is gonna cost you. Whether it be in-game gold, or actual hard-earned dollars, this prestigious mount demands a high price.
1. Buy the Spectral Tiger Loot Card on ebay
The easiest way to acquire the Spectral Tiger is just to buy it outright from a seller on ebay. The $5000 price tag is quite steep, but these loot cards are becoming increasingly scarce.
Now that all mounts travel at their respective peak speeds for land or air, the Reins of the Spectral Tiger and Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger are both 100%. When you purchase the actual loot card, you get both versions of the mount!
The beauty of this is, you can either:
- Use both of them (both mounts count towards the Mountain o' Mounts achievement by the way…)
- Keep one and sell the other one on the auction house. With both mounts now traveling at the same speed, the rare version goes for just about as much as the epic one, with the only difference being the armor visible on the Swift Spectral Tiger.
2. Fires of Outland Booster Boxes
These booster boxes are becoming extremely rare, driving the price tag up month after month. Sealed boxes of Fires of Outland are known to fetch around $1,000 apiece. Each box contains 24 packs, with the odds of finding the Spectral Tiger loot card at only 1 in 484 packs.
Let's do the math…
At $1000 per box, that puts each pack at over $40. With an insert rate of 1 in 484 booster packs, that could mean spending $15,000 – $20,000 (or more) on booster packs with no guarantee that you'd pull a Spectral Tiger loot card. Yikes!
Also… understand that 1 in 484 are approximate odds. Now you could get lucky and find one within 100 packs – paying about $4000 for the card… Or, you could be really unlucky and not see it for 600-700 packs, which would cost the same as a new compact SUV.
At any rate, for those with a gambling spirit, Fires of Outland booster boxes are an exciting way to try and obtain the Spectral Tiger. And… even if you don't find your mount loot, there still are a couple of other nice loot cards in this expansion. Gone Fishin' and Goblin Gumbo can both be found in packs of Fires of Outland.
3. World of Warcraft TCG Archives Booster Boxes
The WoW TCG Archives booster boxes are another source for the Spectral Tiger loot card. I'm not certain of the card's rarity within this set, but I'm almost positive it's a more difficult find than in Fires of Outland.
WoW TCG Archives booster packs can be picked up for about $80 on average, and have the possibility of containing all sorts of great loot. For more info on the WoW TCG Archives exclusive foil cards, please check out this post.
3. Spectral Tiger from Landro's Gift
Another way to obtain this mount is through a Landro's Gift loot card. This loot item does not award both mounts however, and the drop rate is very low. Still…it is a more affordable way of gambling for this item and it's sure to get your blood pumping when you open the gift box. Landro's Gift loot cards typically run around $150 each on ebay. See the Landro's Gift page for more info.
These gift boxes, which are redeemed and opened in-game, can contain all sorts of loot: Sandbox Tiger, Papa Hummel's Pet Biscuit, Path of Cenarius, and once in a great while you might get one of the following mounts: Riding Turtle, X-51 Nether-Rocket, X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME, Big Battle Bear, and of course… Reins of the Spectral Tiger or Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger!
The odds of getting a mount are very small (estimated to be around .3%, i.e., 1 in 333 roughly), with even smaller odds that the Spectral Tiger will be one of them.
Even still, Landro's Gift is a very fun loot card. No matter what, you're guaranteed to get something from it, plus there's that tiny little chance that a Spectral Tiger may pop out!
5. Buy it on the Auction House (in-game, of course)
If you have more wealth in Azeroth than you do in real life, then buying the Spectral Tiger from the auction house may be the way to go. The Reins of the Spectral Tiger and Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger are both bind-on-equip, which means they both can be traded in-game. Also, with all ground mounts now traveling at 100% speed, both mounts are now essentially identical apart from the look (Swift Spectral Tiger is a bit more armored).
Be forewarned though… both versions of the mount command a hefty price – usually in upwards of 3 million gold. Also, due to the rarity of this loot, there's no guarantee that it will show up on your realm's auction house anytime soon, if ever.
Honestly… if you truly must have this majestic mount, then buying the loot card may be the best bet.
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What's it like to pull a Spectral Tiger loot card from a pack?
Spectral Tiger is the most sought after loot card ever produced for the WoW TCG, along with being the most valuable. Over 6 years have passed since this item was introduced into the game and its scarcity now sees it selling in upwards of $5000.
Pulling one from a pack is not unlike winning big with a lottery scratcher. This loot card still fetches a premium price for those who wish to sell it rather than use it, but what a decision that would be, am I right?!
I've never been fortunate enough to pull a Spectral Tiger loot card myself, but it's probably something like this…
Warning: The reactions to the pulls are spontaneous and uncensored in most cases, so these videos are definitely NSFW. 😉
WoW TCG Reign of Fire Box Break
Spectral Tiger at 10:57
Reign of Fire was the last expansion set released for the WoW TCG. Instead of creating new loot for the set, Blizzard and Cryptozoic decided to toss in every single loot card that existed for the TCG! 60 possible loots in all! This lucky guy managed to snag a Spectral Tiger from his box. This guy grabs what looks like the last unopened pack and…BOOM!
WoW TCG Archives Box Breaks
Spectral Tiger at :50
The Archives set contains an assortment of rare loot, including some premium mounts and pets. This lucky loot hunter yanks a Spectral Tiger.
Spectral Tiger at 11:08
Several minutes into the video this guy finally pulls a Spectral Tiger. His reaction is priceless.
Spectral Tiger at 5:48
This video features a live Archives box break where the player already has the loot in hand from a previous pull. He's trying to score another so he can sell it and get some new sneakers. So, does he get lucky..? FF to 5:48 and see. 😉
Treasure Pack breaks
These videos show Spectral Tiger pulls from the Magtheridon's Lair TCG Treasure Packs.
Spectral Tiger at 1:39
Spectral Tiger at :28
If you want to cut to the chase, and you have the bucks to do it, buying the loot card off of ebay or Amazon is really the way to go. You can go broke trying to gamble your way through booster packs, plus if you go straight for the loot card you'll have both versions of the mount. If you should decide to sell one of them you'll build a nice little WoW nest egg which will help fuel your campaign in the next expansion.
The Spectral Tiger loot card goes for a premium. Expect to pay $5000 or more if you can locate one.
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