October 2012 Expansion: War of the Ancients
Here's a look at the three loot cards from War of the Ancients…
- Feldrake (1 in 242 packs) – New drake mount with a really cool skin!
- Demon Hunter's Aspect (1 in 121 packs) – Disguise yourself as a Demon Hunter and look as badass as Illidan!
- Eye of the Legion (1 in 11 packs) – An awesome new pet which looks just like the Warlock's Eye of Kilrogg spell!
Mount Loot: Feldrake
The Feldrake is a sweet new drake model flying mount that's been tainted by The Legion.

Feldrake Loot Cards on eBay
[phpbay]feldrake loot, , “150192”, “non not scratched”[/phpbay]
Disguise Loot: Demon Hunter's Aspect
Look like a Demon Hunter for 10 minutes!
Demon Hunter's Aspect Loot Cards on eBay
[phpbay]demon hunter's aspect loot, 1, “150192”, “non not scratched”[/phpbay]
Pet Loot: Eye of the Legion
An awesome new pet to add to your stable of battle pets!
Eye of the Legion Loot Cards on eBay
[phpbay]eye of the legion loot, 1, “150192”, “non not scratched”[/phpbay]