Ogre Piñata
The Ogre Piñata is a reward from the Piñata Loot Card found in booster packs from the Fields of Honor Expansion Set.
When used, the Ogre Piñata summons an amusing little Ogre Piñata (imagine that..!) on a stand, which players can whack at in order to get at the delicious loots inside. Once destroyed, the pinata bursts apart in an explosion of Pink Gumballs.
Much like the Goblin Gumbo and Picnic Treats, the pink gumballs provide no real benefit beyond a fun little effect. The pink gumballs provide players with a buff which will have them blowing pink bubbles off and on for 5 minutes.
The Ogre Piñata may be attacked by either faction, so a player can drop it in a Sanctuary like Dalaran or Shattrath, then watch as Horde and Alliance join forces to destroy the pinata and empty its loots. 😉
The Piñata Loot Card is found in booster packs from the Fields of Honor Expansion Set. Fields of Honor booster boxes sell for about $45.00 each and contain 24 booster packs. With a pull rate of only 1 in 121 packs, Piñata would cost approximately $325.00 to get.
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