Sack of Starfish
Sack of Starfish is the reward from the Throwing Starfish loot card found in booster packs from the Throne of the Tides WoW TCG expansion set. This loot card can be redeemed for a Sack of Starfish which you can use to produce five starfish as often as every thirty minutes. These ‘Throwing Starfish' are then used for hurling at other players' faces. 🙂
The Sack of Starfish generates starfish which can be thrown at enemy targets or friendly players. The Sack of Starfish generates 5 starfish at a time, and has a cooldown of 30 minutes. The starfish that it generates have a .25 second cooldown, so you can spam-throw them at a target if you so desire.
The starfish have a range of 30 yards for enemy targets, and 40 yards for friendly targets. They do nothing to their target other than apply an amusing visual of a starfish stuck to the target's face, along with a meaningless and harmless ‘Throwing Starfish' debuff.
The Throwing Starfish loot card is an uncommon loot card — found in approximately 1 out of 121 boosterpacks of Throne of the Tides.
Throne of the Tides booster boxes are currently selling for around $80-$90 right now, which would put the ‘approximate' price of this card at around $425 or more — were you to try and pull it from a pack.
However, the Throwing Starfish loot card be purchased right now for around $20-$30… a much better buy!

Starfish to the Dome…BAM!
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