A few days ago I was an underachieving pet collector. After 5 1/2 years playing World of WarCraft… 42 pets was all I'd collected during that time – with over a half dozen of them being added just in the past few weeks – all of them gifts from Blizzard.
Last week they sent me a Murkablo pet for ordering the BlizzCon PPV, then a few weeks earlier they sent me codes for all of their pet store pets, as compensation for them canceling publication of the World of WarCraft Magazine. Prior to that, I had only 35 pets… hardly a respectable number for a Pet Battle System blogger. 😉

Before & After. How ya like me now?!
I am proud to say that after parting with a little bit of gold, and doing some globetrotting around Azeroth, I managed to increased the size of my pet collection by over 50% in just over an hour's time yesterday. I basically went around and visited all of the pet vendors that had reasonably priced pets which didn't require any sort of rep grind. I was shocked at how many pets were readily available to me.
After just a few quick pet adoptions, I had my 50 pets achievement along with Stinker, who by the way, is my four year old son's new favorite. Stinker has some amusing animations, and his little squeaky emote he does when clicked on, immediately incites the “Aaaawww…” reaction from both my son and I. Not to mention his Pepé Le Pew romantic side… that cracked me up when I had him near a cat for the first time.

Stinky working his mojo
I'm willing to bet I can help some others out there looking to get on the fast track to boosting the size of their battle pet army, so I'll be sharing some tips on that soon.
But, yeah… from 42 pets to 65, in the course of about maybe an hour and a half's worth of play time – most of that being travel time while I was tabbed out doing other things! 😀
Second pic – ingame addon or what? Did you use some guide?
The second pic is just two screenshot crops pasted together.
I didn’t use an addon, but I will share what I did to amass all of those pets in an upcoming post.
Thanks. Ill just sit here and wait.