Patch 4.3 is going to introduce us to a whole new level of the Darkmoon Faire. Instead of the same old traveling carvival that we've been used to all of these years, players will soon have a chance to venture to Darkmoon Island, and experience the faire like never before – on a grand scale, with loads of new attractions, games, prizes and more…
For the full preview of Darkmoon Island and all that it has in store for us, please visit the official preview post.
At any rate… the reason I'm posting about the new Darkmoon Faire is because it brings with it some new pets! There are 6 new pets that will be available through the Darkmoon Faire, at a price of 90 Darkmoon Prize Tickets each. Of these 6 new pets, I think it's safe to say that at least 3 of them will be battle-ready in Mists of Pandaria.
The New Pets Available at Darkmoon Island in patch 4.3
Darkmoon Cub

Darkmoon Cub (Source: MMO Champion)
The Darkmoon Cub will most likely be available for Pet Battles in Mists of Pandaria. I think one of the qualifiers for the new system will probably be ‘intelligence', meaning most creatures or machines possessing some form of brain will be able to compete. That said, I expect this new Darkmoon kitty cat to be available for the upcoming Pet Battle System.
You can catch a glimpse of the Darkmoon Cub – well, it's rear-end mainly – in the Darkmoon Faire preview video near the end of this post. Look behind the Darkmoon Turtle at 5:25 and you'll see a portion of the Darkmoon Cub, mostly blocked from view by the turtle.
Darkmoon Turtle

Darkmoon Turtle (Source: MMO Champion)
This cute little guy looks quite a bit like Speedy, one of the Children's Week quest rewards, but with a slightly different color and pattern on his shell. As with the Darkmoon Cub, I'm sure this turtle will be able to participate in the battle system in Mists of Pandaria. Given their ‘tanky' nature, I'm willing to bet turtles will fill some sort of tank-type role.
Look for the Darkmoon Turtle in the preview video below at 5:25, to the left of the Darkmoon Pet Vendor, and in front of the Darkmoon Cub.
The DMF Turtle will be only the second turtle companion pet in the game, so I expect it will be pretty popular.
Darkmoon Monkey

Darkmoon Monkey (Source: MMO Champion)
The monkey seems really cool. He's got an ‘organ grinder monkey' look about him, rather than the ‘chimp' look that the WoW TCG Pet, Bananas, has. He looks like a naughty gypsy monkey, who could probably be really efficient at pick-pocketing. 😉
The monkey pictured here to the right has no hat on, but it's been mentioned that the Darkmoon Monkey will be wearing a fez.
Watch the preview video to see a glimpse of the Darkmoon Monkey. FF to 5:25, and you'll see him doing his king of the jungle impersonation on the counter at the pet vendor's stand.
Darkmoon Balloon – Darkmoon Zeppelin – Darkmoon Tonk
I'm gathering that these pets will probably be excluded from battling, but who knows…
Anyway, here are the other three pets available for purchase at the new Darkmoon Faire coming in Patch 4.3.

Darkmoon Balloon, Darkmoon Zeppelin & Darkmoon Tonk (Source: MMO Champion)
Darkmoon Island Preview Video
Fast-forward to approximately 5:23 if you just want to catch a glimpse of the new pets that have been featured above (cub, turtle and monkey).
Last but not least, there are reports of a new water pet…
A Seahorse pet, to be specific. It's not associated with the Darkmoon Faire event, but it can only be obtained from the waters off Darkmoon Island, meaning you'll only have one short window per month in which you'll be able to get it. More on this in a bit.