Looks like Blizzard is still giving some serious thought to creating an iPhone App for the Pet Battle system. This was something that had been touched upon at BlizzCon 2011, and it seems the idea is still very much alive.
At Blizzard's press event yesterday, Tankspot sat down with J Allen Brack and asked him some questions about… WoW, the upcoming Mists of Pandaria expansion, how in the hell Blizzard is going to pull off an MoP beta test with 1M participants – and – if Blizzard had any plans for future remote WoW apps, similar to the auction house and guild chat features they offer now.
J Allen Brack on WoW Pet Battles Coming to the iPhone
Q: Is there anything new coming for the World of Warcraft Remote in the future? Personally I was looking at the Pet Battle system and going, “I would love to play that on my iPhone” or something like that.
Quote from J Allen Brack
I think that’s a good idea. It’s something that we definitely have talked about and I would love to do someday. We did introduce the guild chat as the most recent feature we’ve introduced to that. Pet Battle is definitely something we’ve talked about.
I for one think this is bound to happen. Not only would Blizzard make a killing off of direct sales of the app, but it would serve to further boost popularity of the pet battle system, in general, resulting in a likely increase in sales for Blizz's virtual pet store. It would also provide a nice test bed for future WoW mini-game app ideas.