Be quick and you can steal him first!
WoW Holiday Loot Giveaway #3 is a Landro's Lichling companion pet.
Here's the code…
WoW TCG Loot Cards - World of Warcraft Trading Card Game Loot
Be quick and you can steal him first!
WoW Holiday Loot Giveaway #3 is a Landro's Lichling companion pet.
Here's the code…
War of the Elements Release Date: April 26, 2011
Next week sees the release of the latest expansion set for the WoW TCG — War of the Elements.
As of now, booster box pre-orders are fetching around $70-$80 on ebay. Now that's a pretty average price to pay for an expansion set booster box, but as always… if you're into the cards mainly for the loot, then buying the loot cards outright is the smart move. For example, the Savage Raptor loot card is found in only about 1 in ten boxes, which could mean spending in excess of $700-$800 dollars. Yet, you could buy the loot outright for about two hundred bucks.
Regardless of whether you like to try and beat the odds by busting packs, or go for the sure thing and buy it now, here's a look at the exciting new WoW TCG loot that will be available next week…
The Savage Raptor is the latest mount loot available through the WoW TCG. It is a ground mount, requiring at least level 20 and Apprentice riding skill, in order to use. The Savage Raptor will scale to the player's highest trained level of ground mout riding skill.
The Savage Raptor's skin is modeled after King Mosh, the rare Devilsaur found in Un'Goro Crater. The Savage Raptor is, of course, a raptor, but the pattern and coloring of the skin is identical to that of King Mosh's.
Rarity: 1/242 Booster Packs
[phpbay]savage raptor loot, 2, “150192”, “non”[/phpbay]
The War Party Hitching Post is an exciting new loot item which allows you to summon a hitching post which raid or party members can use to obtain a special horse mount. The mounts themselves aren't really all that unique, apart from them looking like they came straight from an old western movie. Once a player has acquired a mount, they last for up to three minutes or until the player dismounts. The cooldown on the War Party Hitching Post is 30 minutes.
This is a really unique item which is sure to be a hit for both battlegrounds and capitol city raids.
Rarity: 1/121 Booster Packs
[phpbay]war party hitching post loot, 2, “150192”, “non”[/phpbay]
Landro's Lichling is a re-skinned version of the popular Lil' KT pet available through Blizzard's online store. Landro's Lichling possesses all of the same behaviors and emotes, including his amusing yet malicious tendency to randomly slay nearby critters using his ice block spell. Whenever he slays a critter or you kill an opposing player, Landro's Lichling lets ut a maniacal laugh, just the same as Lil' KT.
Landro's Lichling is a super-common loot card.
Rarity: 1/11 Booster Packs
[phpbay]landro's lichling loot, 2, “150192”, “non”[/phpbay]