Blizzard has just added two new exciting in-game loots to its online store today. One of them is a mount! GASP!
The Celestial Steed is the first mount ever offered via the Blizzard Store. It applies to all of the characters in your account and its speed will scale with your characters' riding ability.
The Celestial Steed mount and Lil XT pet are both available now in the Blizzard Store.
Celestial Steed
Price: $25.00
Speed: This mount scales with your riding skill, all the way to 310% if you possess another mount of that speed.
This is obviously a big announcement, as this is the first time Blizzard has offered a purchasable mount through their online store. Being that many players spend anywhere from $150 to $500, on up to $1000 (Spectral Tiger of course) for mount loot on ebay, I'd expect sales on this to be huge at only $25. Not to mention, this mount applies to all of your characters, not just the one with the redemption code. Yes, that's right… all of your existing and future characters will receive this mount.
Sounds too good to be true, eh..? 🙂
Lil' XT
Lil' XT is an exact replica of the much larger version of his self residing in Ulduar. He also behaves in much the same way. He has various emotes including:
- He performs his calisthenics. No Lil' XT pet would be complete without doing his warm-ups.
- He throws his tantrum and pounds his fists on the ground. “NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO..!”
- He kneels down for a snooze. “Aaahh… so tired. I'll rest for just a moment”.
As with the other Blizzard Store pet loots, Lil' XT will apply to all existing and future accounts.
Visit the Blizzard Store for more details.