To celebrate the announcement of the new Pet Battle System that will be introduced in Mists of Pandaria, I've got two exciting WoW TCG Loot Cards to give away.
One randomly selected winner will receive a Bloat the Bubble Fish Loot Card (redeemable for a Purple Puffer pet in Patch 4.3), and one runner-up winner will receive a Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit Loot Card.
To enter, just leave a comment below, saying how excited you are about the new Pet Battle System. Also, be sure to include a valid e-mail address with your comment. Don't worry… I won't be using it for anything apart from notifying you of your winnings!
I'll be selecting two winners at random on October 31st (Halloween!) – one week from today.
Loot codes will be sent via e-mail once the winners have been contacted.
What are you waiting for..?! You won't find an easier way to win some free WoW TCG Loot!
Update: 10/31/11 — Winners have been selected and notified. Grats to those who walked away with the loot! I will be hosting more contests like this one, so stay tuned…
Jaeger says
It sounds interesting. It’ll definitely increase the demand for pets (bad for collectors; good for suppliers).
lawman30 says
“ring of fire, ring of fire……THE RING OF FIRE!!!!”
– Bloat
~Lori says
I guess I’d better start collecting now…… All I have on most of my characters is the little penguin guy and the core hound pup. >.<
Loverlie says
One more pet from 125! Better keep working on my pokemon collection!
LePeR says
I should really start getting those loot cards lol.. and the battle system i can’t wait but now im kicking myself i haven’t started collecting all the pets yet.. Guess i have something to do while i wait for 4.3 to hit 🙂
Loque says
LePeR = Garwulf =
Aurora Celeste says
I am super-excited too! As a pet collector this sounds like a lot of fun 😀
Jossie Mann says
This sounds like a lot of fun. I’ve got tons of pets I want to battle.
Wahya says
Want that loot pleaseeeeeeeeee =)
dpoyesac says
I like things that puff… so yeah, there’s that.
Wyndtree says
The thing i dislike is the random stats for the same pets…that seem unusual, since we have no way, at this time, of dumping a companion. However, being able to name them? Hellz yeah!
Rhaellia says
Like most people I fear the unknown but I hope it brings more fun to an already fun game 😀
Yogus says
Seems to me to be a nice way to spend time while waiting for long queues.
Guenter Albrecht says
I am so excited that I can use those pets in something more then just tagging around. Nice to have something new!
Jaxxstatic says
Pokemon thoughts aside, I’m actually looking forward to this. It’s strangely joy-enducing when your pet can do anything besides follow, so this will all the more just add another level of fun to the game.
Kypris says
I am looking forward to this interesting addition to the game. It’s a great way for people to have some fun with their pet collection.
Xandirth says
Because my addictive pokemon fueled “gotta catch em all” mentality isn’t being fed enough with my 25 hunter pets , now I’ve gotta go out and get even more mini-pets *head-keyboard* Looking forward to it. =D
Ozimandias says
This kinda bothered me at first, but then I realized that what’s in the game that I don’t use shouldn’t really bother me.
Although as a hunter pet collector, I can’t say that I won’t go and do the same thing with these non-combat pets.
Ozolin of Moon Guard says
I think the Pet Battle System sounds like a lot of fun and I’m really excited about the new expansion. The hard part will be waiting so long for it to release! Great site btw, looking fwd to seeing more!
Aeliel says
Extremely excited. Can’t help it. 165 vanity pets and counting and very much looking forward to doing something with them that isn’t just picking out a random one to follow me around.
Bolder63 says
New pet battle website uses Free mini-pet giveaway . . . “It’s Super Effective!” I think I have 157 pets at the moment Gotta catch em all, WoWkemon ftw!
Gotherrific says
Gotta Get ‘Em All !
Bozanimal says
This was a great idea for a site, and I’m glad you jumped on it. It looks great.
Go: Magikarp!
Tenth of Elune says
Chuck says
Man this is gonna be good. One of my biggest things I love about wow is collecting pets and companions. Its kinda like an will give me something else to do with my companions. Cant wait!
Justin says
Oh yeah baby, battling pets. Cant wait. Great job on the contest by the way. Yall have fun!
CLINT bowers says
It’d be a nice addition to the menagerie.
Maddy says
I almost could not believe it when I read about the Pet Battle system.
I always loved the little buggers to pieces, but always felt they were lacking something… like names! That part alone would be enough reason for me to love the new expansion. I really cannot wait. <3
Niika of Moon Guard says
Gar, Just wanted to leave you a note to say this site rocks! (no loot card entry) I am glad to hear that you are supporting this incredibly addicted subculture of Azeroth. My pets thank you! (goes off to read if existing pets can battle too… BATTLE SKUNK ATTACK!)
Jenni says
I can’t wait! I love collecting the cute little companion pets, and I’m excited to train them with new abilities!
Tzefira says
Heh, I can’t wait to use my Sprite Darter to go win some matches. You thought a tiny, pink-winged critter was supposed to be nice? Ha! You thought WRONG!
And thanks, Gar. This site is an awesome addition to the WoW community at large. This’ll be fun!
Bozanimal says
Is there an RSS feed for the site? I’m trying to get this thing followed properly.
Garwulf says
Handled. Check the menu now.
Daniora says
I’m definitely excited about the pet battle system. I have a lot of friends with young children, and this looks like something we’ll be able to do together!
Frosty says
I’m looking forward to the mini game 🙂
Sorcholia says
Yeah ! With this new battle system, let’s catch them all !!!! ;o)
Lotheinil says
I can’t wait to try this out! I have never played Pokemon and don’t really care if they are similar; I am going to enjoy this little game!
Bauxite says
I’m super excited about this! I was keen to get into some serious raiding, but once Mists comes out I think I’m much more likely to spend my time becoming a pokemon master!
Killenger@Greymane says
I’m of two minds about this… maybe I’ll come around.
As a pet collector, I’m excited to have access to some of the very rare pets that will become available after (if) this goes live. Though I expect the prices to be through the roof… Tyreal, Mini Diablo… yikes! And the secondary market for TCG pets will likely get crazy too.
But I’m still not yet excited to start leveling, renaming, training and battling my pets against each other… I kind of like the idea of having something that is purely cosmetic and for fun… I’m taking the ‘wait and see’ approach.
Samwar says
I think the new pet battle system sounds cool, but I’m most excited about account wide pets!
NeoPhoenixIIM says
I think this could be fun as a side game, for small rewards, but if they focus on it to the point were pet collectors that play get an edge over other players, it would just be one more thing you have to grind every day.
The whole idea is very reminiscent of Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh (if they let you make humanoid creatures pets too)… I can see it now I choose you “Dark Phoenix”… I attack with “Black Flame” and deal 300 pts to your “Hollow Cat”… lol
Like i said it’s cute as long as they don’t make it a main focus of the game. kinda like what they did with the blood arenas, they are fun to do, and you get some cool items and good coin, but it isn’t necessary in order to play the game or follow the story line.
Wolfsorgri says
I think this opens a new look on the game. As a Hunter the whole point was the bond between the hunter and his pet. I have spent countless hours grinding away just the two of us and a vanity pet in tow for company. Now being able to do something with all those collected pets, and believe me I did not buy them all, I have killed several thousand mobs to get that 1 drop. Then do I sell or keep?..i keep lol Anyway it will be fun to use them for something besides following me around. And thanks for making a site for pets, great idea now if I could just get to name my mounts over 100 of them. lol
Andrea Shubin says
Awesome! This is the best news! I am an avid pet collector!
Millwa says
This looks as nice improvement of non-combat pet, which is till MoP just a thing to look at… nothing special.
The only thing which worries me is that my engineering’s tanks collection which we used to have fun and kill some time in wow will be useless, because this will be probably more rewarding and probably also entertaining.
Art Shifflett says
I stopped by to enter the give-away for my wife. She’s geeking out over the new battle system, and has gone on a pet collecting rampage. Thanks to Garwulf for putting this site together and for the contest!
Aberon says
Pokemon was my favorite game growing up. warcraft is my favorite game now. they have now had a baby and it is the pet battle system and my life is actually complete.
Dimitra says
Mini-pets, mini-games, mini-battles, but battles after all! I’m very excited that our cute companions will get powerful. They won’t just follow us around, but they stop to fight another pet if they want to!Hehe. I hope I win this little bubble fish for my collection. Thank you for your offer:)
Karot says
This is such an exciting addition to the game! I love how Blizzard is changing the focus from the “gear treadmill” to bringing back the fun and variety of gameplay. And it’ll get us back out into the world! And companions will no longer just be a vanity item, they’ll have a whole new level of interaction in the game. Naysayers be damned, this is going to be a hell of a lot of fun!
Tammy says
I was there when they announced this and while I’m a huge animal collector I admit I was surprised. My husband says it’s something players have been asking for but all I could say during the presentation was “Pokemon anyone?”.
While I love the idea of account-bound pets (about time); I know I’ll only be battling pets to get at the goodies.
Either way I am glad that Blizz is offering more ways to play than just the race to the end-game grind so don’t think I’m complaining.
Beams says
I’ve recently started collecting pets so I’m very excited about this update. Even though it will give me even less time to level my alts :p
AJ says
I’m really looking forward to it myself as well. Thank you!
Aenerys says
Two things I love the most. Pokemon and WoW 😀
Samskeyti says
I’m extremely excited!!! Especially about finding wild pets. I love looking for rares, still do a Madexx round every day… *is in heaven*
Kaneli says
Now this should be fun – but it does not stop us from having our vanity pets in tow when we are running about, right?
I want to keep my little worg pack with my horde hunter and a cat pack with my alliance one.
Gorman Ghaste says
I like that it is turn-based combat, so hopefully that means results will be more dependent on strategy than twitch reflexes.
Nicole says
YESSS!!! This is so awesome! Everyone always used to say how useless it was to collect the pets – 7 years ago when I first started playing I spent all the silver/gold I earned to buy pets, even begged my friends for help – and now I finally get to say ‘HA! Not so useless after all!’ Soooo excited to see what my 50 some pets can do! I can also save the 1000g I was going to spend on some pets and go out and capture them in the wild!
Best part of the expansion in my opinion!
Amandarae says
Can’t wait to see how it turns out! Finally another reason to collect vanity pets. 😀
teragram says
Sounds like it will be a blast! I can’t wait. I wonder if my creepy crate will eat other pets. lol
Thank-you for the wealth of information on your site, I haven’t been able to find this much information anywhere else.
Much appreciated 😀
Chole says
I can’t wait! ….Is it just me or did the word ‘Pokemon’ pop into their head as well? Thanks for the updates, Gar, I can’t ever seem to find any good info on MoP. LOL! World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaren…. becomes…. WoW MoP…. wow… that’s just sad…
David says
I’d really like to see this developed to the point where you can imagine three sorts of endgame player, PvP, PvE and PvPet 🙂 It does seem a big departure from the sort of gameplay we have become used too, but that could be a good thing
Frake says
I am really looking forward to it! more pets to collect, more things to do wit them!!!
afrokid says
This sucks, ive been wanting something to do with my companions for years but i can only pick 3?! and i thought choosing a raiding pet for my hunter was hard.
Zimu says
I am interested in this new minigame. I know when I saw it being announced, I reallythought Blizz was trolling us, but now that the initial reaction is over with, I am really excited to try this out. I also like the idea that the pets will be normalized across all characters, so we dont have to level multiple of the same one for each alt we have. That will really be nice.
Stefan.V says
First i thank You for Huntsman’s Lodge. Joyful. As I am hunter, everything regarding pets is a warm welcome… since we were given pets, it would be nice to have even more diversity and abilities wth them..
Happy hunting
Kincaide says
This is the feature that I am most looking forward to in MoP! I love the little companions, and I’m thrilled to be able to name them at last!
Thanks a lot for creating this site, I’m sure I will be checking it often!
SaengChwi says
I’m so glad you made this site! I’m looking to forward to trying out Blizzards upcoming version of pokemon!
Ivy says
I’m super excited for the new pet battling system. It honestly is what I’m forward to most in the expansion so far!
mrp2011 says
I used to be a full time raider back in vanilla and bc. Since then I’ve been slowly raiding less and less. Now all I do is look for companion pets and tamable hunter rares. I’m really very excited about this new pet battle feature and I think this new feature might be my new focus in the next expansion!
Duringar says
I started collecting companions in BC and i almost got them all. Just missing the Vanilla CE-Pets 🙁
As a collector, all i can say is that the pet battle system will be a really cool timesink ! 🙂
Leveling up your pets and fight with them sounds funny.
FuzzyOTool says
I thought this whole thing was awesome when they announced it and my geek started to show a little.
BeckyFox says
Oh my gosh! This is going to be so fricken cute and funny! Ahaaa.
Obviously no pets will have any chance against the Personal World Destroyer (it’s all in the name!)
Would like to see how the Horde/Alliance Balloons will pwn though… haha.
Steve Elliott says
Well this should prove to be fun (I hope) and interesting. I am a collector 143 ATM and I have made a fortune in the AH selling them so I guess I need to get back to farming those lil hatchlings. I sure hope I can equip my Disgusting Oozeling with a fist wep LOL.
Steve Elliott says
OH NO! I just realized I can’t use my Mulgore Hatchling, it will just run off. 🙂
Wolfwings says
Well I definitely know what I’ll be doing in wow most of the time once MoP hits now. 😀
Delacour says
Pet Geeks rejoice! Can’t wait to try it. No more ” I bet my corehound pup would mash your pug”… now we can see!
Irving Abreu says
FISH??? AND IT FLOATS??? :O OMG I LOOOOVE FIIISH!!! > The new pet battle system is gonna make me wanna be the very best, like no one ever was! To catch them is my big test, to train them is my cause!!!
Sluggles says
I’m really looking forward to more fun content. Mini games included.
Dan Bruins says
I’m excited to see what sorts of abilities my current pets will have. 🙂
Dustin says
Cant wait for the new pet battle system! Also, that pet looks awesome 🙂
Sapharina says
Would love to add to my growing collection! Looking forward to the next expansion and the pet battle system:)
Gimmlette says
I’ll probably be as good at this as I am at PvP. Ha.
Snowowl says
Wooo Hooo, I’ve been collecting pets since I first discovered them and I love turn based fights. I’m looking forward to having something to do with all my companions.
Trochlaren says
Pet battles look like great fun — just the thing to breathe fresh new life into WoW (along with everything else planned for the expansion).
myownplanet says
realy looking forward to the new pet system its going to awesome and what these pets attacks will be xD
zing says
This truly looks like an idea with amazing potential. If this gets executed well, I might forgo raiding for this.
Gotta Catch em’ all!
Libby says
Can’t wait!! This is going to be so awesome~ It will clear out the player base that rages too much and doesn’t have enough fun 😀
starstolen says
I’m ecstatic for the Pet Battle System! I can’t wait to see how the mechanics of the battles will play out. It’s a perfect addition to the game for people that just want to have some fun and maybe get a little silly. My in-game friends question why I go out and gather “these things” (currently 1 off from the 150 mark) and now I’m ahead of the game with some pretty awesome pets.
Amori says
I’m so ridiculously excited about the battle pets I can barely contain myself! This should have been done a loooong time ago… =P
Ditch says
Zomg a puffer fish? I hope it will periodically just get huuuuuuuuuuge!
Salaa says
What’s this? A FISH! Yes please.
Jakzz says
I really like this new pet combat system because I’ve always loved my non-combat pets, and when I was growing up I played so much Pokemon and this is just like it. Hopefully, this Pufferfish will be able to explode and fire poisonous darts everywhere, without popping his bubble…somehow =P.
Drew says
I am definitely interested in the Pokemon-type battles mainly because I know my son (7) will be. Should be a fun addition to WoW!
Jerelam says
I was a bit “OMG, what have they done..” on first hearing about pet battles, but looking at what it entails, I know I will be getting involved in it and probably quite deeply as well. One problem I found with the game once you got to level cap was, what to do once you used up your daily allowance of “daily” quests,run dungeons all day? join PUG’s and raid? level another character? this will make the day go much faster now.