Cryptozoic recently announced that the next expansion to the WoW TCG – Timewalkers: War of the Ancients – will be released on October 2nd. War of the Ancients is the first series in the 3-part Timewalkers block.
Here's a sneak preview of the loot that will be available in the upcoming expansion…
The ultra rare mount loot contained in War of the Ancients is the Feldrake. This is going to be a flying mount (obviously), requiring level 20 to use.
As with all of the WoW TCG mount loot from the past few years, the Feldrake will be a tough pull – with a rarity of 1 in 242 packs.
Here's an early look at the Feldrake model, courtesy of those fine data-mining folks over at MMO Champion…

This is a pretty cool looking mount – using the standard Drake model, but with an eerie fel green glow & tattered wings. This mount looks like it would be well suited for Warlocks. 🙂
Demon Hunter's Aspect
This loot disguises the user as a Demon Hunter for 5 minutes, with a 30 minute cooldown on the item. No actual screenshots of the effect have been made available – data-mined or otherwise – but it's likely to look something like this…

Demon Hunter's Aspect
As you can see, the effect will cause the user to look like one of the Demon Hunters present around the Black Temple in Shadowmoon Valley. It's unknown whether the model will be that of a Blood Elf or Night Elf (pictured here), but either way, it's probably going to be a pretty badass effect.
Demon Hunter's Aspect will be a rare loot item – found in approximately 1 out of 121 packs.
Eye of the Legion
The Eye of the Legion is this expansion's super common pet loot item. It will be found in approximately 1 out of 11 packs.
The Eye of the Legion is a spitting image of the Warlock's Eye of Kilrogg spell. See for yourself…

Eye of the Legion
Well, there you go…that's a sneak preview of the exciting new loot that will be arriving in the next expansion – in just a few short weeks.
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