Of all the kooky loot available from the WoW TCG, the Instant Statue Pedestal is easily one of the most amusing. When used, the Instant Statue Pedestal creates a very heroic statue, featuring your character as the chiseled centerpiece!
The item sits in your inventory, so you don't need to equip it as a trinket — just assign it to a hotkey, or open your inventory and click on it when you need to head for a bio break, grab a phone call, head into the kitchen for a snack, grab a smoke, etc…
Just be prepared to receive a few tells once you return. This entertaining loot item is always a center of attention when on display.
The statue effect will last for five minutes, or until cancelled. Once used, it has a 30 minute cooldown.
This item is usable at any level, so you can rock it on your level 1 bank alt, twink, or which ever toon you desire to use it on.
When you activate the Instant Statue Pedestal, your character grows 50% larger, stands atop a pedestal and goes into a fixed flex pose. You cannot move while under the effect of this item.
Here's a short video demonstrating what the effect looks like…
Instant Statue Pedestal Video
The Instant Staue Pedestal is a loot item that you can obtain after having acquired a Statue Generator loot card, which is from the Wrathgate Expansion Set.
The Statue Generator loot card is pretty uncommon, so don't expect that you'll find one even if you buy a box or two of Wrathgate, as this card is found in only about 1 in 121 packs. Wrathgate boxes are fetching about a hundred bucks apiece on ebay right now, which means if you play the odds… you could end up spending $500 or more trying to find this card..!
Good news is, the Statue Generator loot card can usually be picked up for around fifty bucks if you buy it on ebay. 🙂
Buy the Statue Generator Loot Card on ebay
[phpbay]statue generator loot, 3, “150192”, “not non”[/phpbay]