The Wooly White Rhino is the latest mount loot available through the WoW TCG. It's an epic quality ground mount (of course…), requiring 150 riding skill to use.
This is a really cool mount. It's similar to the Big Battle Bear in that it's a no-bells-and-whistles, all business sort of mount. It's a freakin' rhino.. It doesn't need any armor or other superfluous fluff – – just a saddle, and it's go-time..!
[phpbay]wooly white rhino loot, 2, “150192”, “non not lot”[/phpbay]
An ideal ground mount for the big'uns
The Wooly White Rhino is a perfect fit for some of the larger classes in the game, e.g., Draenei, Tauren and Orcs, but any class will still look great riding it. It matches the skin used by the rhinos in the Storm Peaks, as well as that of Icehorn, the rare rhino found in Borean Tundra. This makes it a good choice for any hunters who wish to have a mount that matches their exotic rhino pet.
The Wooly White Rhino is easily one of the less commonly found WoW TCG mounts in-game, so if you're looking for something to make you the envy of your friends and fellow players, this may be just the ticket. Even better yet… the price on it has dropped considerably since the Icecrown expansion first shipped back in September. It's fairly easy to nab the Wooly White Rhino loot card for around $200 right now, if you're lucky. That's nearly half of what they were going for less than two months ago.
Here's a video of an Orc Death Knight with the Wooly White Rhino mount. There's some nice footage of him marching through Orgrimmar, as well as various parts of Northrend, including him leading a herd of rhinos through the Storm Peaks.
It gives a good example of the Wooly White Rhino's animations, plus it's in Hi-Def – – check it out…
This guy has quite the collection of loot by the way… If it's not enough that he rides to see Landro on his Spectral Tiger, at 1:18 he brings out his BlizzCon polar bear, followed by a Magic Rooster mount. Must be nice!
Being that boxes of Icecrown are going for about $60 a pop, containing 24 packs each; along with the fact that this mount's rarity is listed at 1/242 packs – – one could expect to drop about six hundred bucks trying their luck at pulling the Wooly White Rhino loot card from a pack.
$200 is really not such a bad deal. Here are a few that are available for sale right now…
Wooly White Rhino mount loot cards for sale on ebay
[phpbay]wooly white rhino loot, 2, “150192”, “non not lot”[/phpbay]